Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A spring day of printmaking.

Spent an exhilarating day pulling some monotype prints from an intaglio press, I love this process because it lends itself to spontaneity and expression. You have to work fast and this creates a certain anxiety..which forces you to let go of the control, keep moving and playfully experiment!

Day and Night, 2013, 15.5" x 19.5" monotype on Rives paper, Andrew Portwood copyright 2013

Exaltation, 2013, 15.5" x 19.5" monotype on Canson paper, Andrew Portwood copyright 2013

Lauren's Garden, 2013, 15.5" x 19.5"monotype on Canson paper, Andrew Portwood copyright 2013

Sunday, April 7, 2013